Episode 199 - Cindy James: Invisible Torment

In July 2016 Max Spiers, a British conspiracy theorist, sent his mother a series of bizarre texts about how he was terrified for his life. Days later Max was found dead, after having vomited up 2 litres of black liquid. Things only became stranger when people realised that Max was meant to speak at a conference the following day about a high power paedophile ring he’d been investigating...

When Cindy James' decomposing body was found bound and dumped outside an abandoned house, those who knew her best were horrified - but not entirely shocked.
Cindy had been harassed and attacked by a seemingly all-knowing and malevolent stalker for almost a decade. But, in all those years, despite the thousands of hours of police work spent trying to find Cindy's tormentor, detectives had nothing more than a bizarre phone message to show for it...

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“The Deaths of Cindy James” By Neal Hall ISBN 0-7710-3784-8


Threatening call:http://www.melaniehack.com/threats


Casefile podcast:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s4pm_sgOimw

Television coverage: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sbrAggQE2EA&ab_channel=89purplerose89purplerose

Weekly World News Article September 5th 1989: https://books.google.co.uk/books?id=Mu0DAAAAMBAJ&pg=PA26&dq=cindy+james&hl=en&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwilpvCa7uDwAhXUA2MBHf7iCKgQ6AEwBHoECAgQAg#v=onepage&q=cindy%20james&f=false

Side effects of Ativan: https://vertavahealth.com/lorazepam/side-effects/#:~:text=Over%20time%2C%20Ativan%20can%20cause,is%20not%20always%20the%20case.

History of the DSM: https://courses.lumenlearning.com/abnormalpsychology/chapter/history-of-the-dsm/#:~:text=The%20DSM%2DIII%20was%20published,diagnostic%20criteria%20for%20265%20diagnoses.


Episode 200 - Jimmy Savile: Predator in Plain Sight - Part 1


Episode 198 - The Death of Max Spiers