Episode 133 - The UK's Most Prolific Rapist: Reynhard Sinaga

When 18 year old, Peter, woke up in a mystery flat after a night out he was scared. It was then with horror that he realised he couldn't move his arms, and a strange man was sexually assaulting him...

That man was Reynhard Sinaga; and thanks to Peter, in January 2020, Sinaga was finally convicted of 159 sexual offences, including 136 counts of rape. 

For years he'd been preying on the men of Manchester, England - attacking with impunity and going totally undetected thanks in large part to his innocent looks, and the copious amounts of GHB that he plied his victims with.

This week we uncover the man behind the mugshot.


Episode 134 - Lindsay Souvannarath & The Valentine's Massacre Plot


Episode 132 - Michelle Carter & Conrad Roy: “Love You Forever”